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"I will hold Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." - Charles Dickens.

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    Christmas Activities

Acrostic Poems

An Acrostic poem provided a simple framework to write a poem. The first letter of each line of the poem starts with the letter running down the page:

For all Christmas
Usually is the
Nicest of times.

See if you can write one using the following written down the page:
Snowman, Merry Christmas, Santa Claus, White Christmas, Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas and other words you can think of.

Chinese Whispers

Get at least 6-8 friends (preferably more). One person writes a message about Christmas. At least 3 sentences. S/he then places this in an envelope. S/he then passes message to next person, and so on. The final person has to relay the message. Check envelope to see if the message is the same.

Treasure Hunt

Children have to find Christmassy treasures, like mince pies, or bon bons. An organizer makes up a series of clues, and gives players the first clue. This could be "Go to the place where a lot is spoken." (telephone). At this place there is a clue for the next clue and so until the treasure is found.

Carol singing from house to house

Before the modern postal system, Carols were one of the only methods of sending a Christmas greeting to somebody else. It is still a very popular custom in many countries.
Get your Mom and Dad's permission. Ring people's door bells, or knock only once. Give good value, by singing more than one - but do not overstay! If somebody gives you money for your performance, make sure you say "Merry Christmas" and "Thankyou." Make a lantern out of cardboard, with a battery operate torch inside. This will have good effect on their doorstep.

Family Reading

Either on Christmas Eve, or a few days before have a family reading - uncles, aunts, cousins, family friends and everyone must read at least one favorite poem, story or passage from the bible. This includes the dog and cat (somebody can read an extra one for them).

Make a Manger

Find a large cardboard box and some scissors and glue. Get some straw, and branches for the floor. Then using pipecleaner and plasticine make the Nativity figures.


Write your own Christmas play.
Write down the cast: Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and Angel, shepherds, 3 Wise Men.
Costumes: Use sheets and blankets. Get gold cardboard for kings.

Alternatively, you could make one with Santa Claus, Rudolph and Frosty - maybe they get lost, maybe Rudolph gets drunk on whisky left out, or it is raining hard.
This play could be videotaped into a movie which could be played for many years to come, even when the children have their children!

Capture the star

In Alaska people play a Christmas game where they dress up as the Three Kings and their servants and carry a star from house to house singing carols. Other children dress up as Herod's soldiers and try to capture the star.

Round Song

At least 12 people sit in a circle. Take turns in singing a verse of The Twelve Days Of Christmas. Each person had to add a new line and remember all that went before. When someone makes a mistake they are out. Keep going on and on, until there is one person left. This person wins a prize.


In Victorian times, before television and the Internet, no Christmas Day was complete without a game of charades. This involves acting out words or phrases and the others have to guess.

Pass the Parcel

Get some small Christmassy gift. Maybe mince pies, little toys, little teddy bears. Wrap them up. Seat at least 5-6 people in a circle. Play some music, as the music is playing pass the parcel. A blindfolded person should then stop the music at random. The person with the present when the music stops wins the present.

Movie Poster

Imagine that there has been a movie made of Santa's epic journey from the North Pole. Select the actor you would like to play Santa - maybe Tom Cruise, Marlon Brando? Draw up some pictures and also write how many stars you would give the movie, what it is about, and the rating, ie General.

Tongue Twister

Tongue Twister: (repeat 20 times really fast)
Snow slows Santa's sled.

Christmas Activities Page 2

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